In-Young Ko (고인영), Ph.D.
Professor, School of ComputingKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
291 Daehak-roYuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea
Email: iko .AT.
Phone: +82-42-350-3547, Fax: +82-42-350-7750



In-Young Ko is a full professor at the School of Computing and the director of the research center for Big data Edge Cloud Services (BECS ITRC) at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in DaejeonKorea. Prof. Ko’s research interests include service computingweb engineering, and software engineering. His recent research focuses on service-oriented software development in large-scale and distributed system environments such as the web, edge clouds, and Internet of Things (IoT) environments. The main part of his work includes the modeling and design of a personalized service provision framework under complex system environments where user tasks must be supported by the provision of services that utilize various computing resources, including mobile devices, IoT devices, and web resources. His research goal is to create new value for users by linking and integrating these diverse resources within an application. [Web Engineering & Service Computing Lab.]

Prof. Ko received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2003 under the direction of Prof. Robert Neches. He also received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Sogang University, Seoul, Korea in 1990 and 1992, respectively. His M.S. thesis advisor was Prof. Felix M. Villarreal S.J.

During 2005-2011, Prof. Ko was appointed as adjunct faculty for the Master of Software Engineering (MSE) program at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining KAIST in 2004, Prof. Ko worked as a postdoctoral research associate in the Distributed Scalable Systems Division at the USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI). At ISI, he worked on the CHIMEWebScripter, and SIM-TBASSCO projects. He is the principal architect of SIM-TBASSCO’s schemes for semantic representation, semantic gauges, and component linking. He has played a key role in the project in developing a metadata framework for describing software components and a reasoning mechanism to measure semantic interoperability and compatibility between software components. As part of his Ph.D. dissertation as well as the project work, he designed and developed a component-based application scripting mechanism that allows users to build high-level information management applications by describing the execution behavior and data flow among distributed software components. Previously, Prof. Ko worked on GeoWorlds and DASHER projects, where he developed geospatial information gathering, analysis, and visualization components. Before joining USC, he was a full-time lecturer in the Computer Science Department at the Korea Air Force Academy.

To make the result of the research more practical and to ensure that it is beneficial to the software industry, Prof. Ko has been conducting a number of industry projects with LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Samsung ResearchHanhwa Thales, and Korea Telecom (KT) while also serving as a member of the technical advisory committee of Hyundai MOBIS in Korea. In addition, to establish the future research agenda in service computing and web engineering, he has been involved in the Korean government’s research planning activities for the Future Internet and the Internet of Things.

Professional Membership and Activities:
  • Member of IEEE, 2004 – present
  • Professional member of ACM, 2004 – present
  • Vice President of Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) (한국정보과학회 부회장), 2020.01 – present
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Information Technology Research Centers (ITRC 대학정보통신연구센터협의회 이사), 2022.03 – present
  • President of KIISE Software Engineering Society (한국정보과학회 소프트웨어공학소사이어티 회장), 2022.05 – 2024.04
  • Vice President of KIISE Software Engineering Society (한국정보과학회 소프트웨어공학소사이어티 부회장), 2014.03 – 2022.04
  • Member of the Board of Directors of KIISE (한국정보과학회 이사), 2016 – present
  • Member of Board of Directors of KIISE Software Engineering Society (한국정보과학회 소프트웨어공학소사이어티 이사), 2004 – present
  • Lifetime Member of Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) (한국정보과학회 종신회원)
  • Member of Korea Society for Internet Information (한국인터넷정보학회 정회원)

Prof. In-Young Ko is serving as an organizing or program committee member of a number of domestic and international conferences.

  • Organizing committee member of 40th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software engineering (ASE 2025)
  • Co-chair of the International Workshop on Big data driven Edge Cloud Services (BECS 2024BECS 2023BECS 2022BECS 2021)
  • General Chair of the 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023)
  • Program Co-Chair of the 22nd International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2022)
  • Organizing committee member of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020)
  • General chair of the 19th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2019)
  • Organizing committee member of the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2017-2018, 2020-2021)
  • Track co-chair of the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2014-2015)
  • Organizing committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2014)
  • Organizing committee member of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2014)
  • General chair of the Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCS E2017)
  • Program chair of the Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE 2008 & KCSE 2013)
  • Program committee member of ICWE, WI, ACM SAC, APSEC, BigComp, WWW, WEBIST, ISWC, WebS, AAAI, COMPSAC, KES, DSPL, and many other international conferences

Prof. In-Young Ko is also serving as an editor of a number of domestic and international journals.

  • Associate Editor of the Journal of Web Engineering, River Publishers, 2018 – present
  • Editorial Board Member of the ICT Express, Elsevier, 2014-present
  • Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI), 2009 – present
  • Editorial Board Member of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) journal, 2009 – present
  • Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Korean Society for Internet Information, 2004 – present
  • Editor in chief of the Journal of Software Engineering Society in Korea, 2008 – 2010

Prof. Ko has been working for a number of advisory committees.

  • Subcommittee Chair of the Web 3.0 Forum, 2023.02 – present (웹3.0 포럼 서비스 모델 분과위원장, 2023.02.01 – 현재)
  • Member of the Committee for Defense Technology Planning, Defense Acquisition Program Administration, Korea, January 2015.10 – present (국방기술기획 협의체 기술 전문위원, 방위사업청, 2015.10.30 – 현재)
  • Member of the quality and standard committee for Open Data Strategy Council, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Korea, January 2014 – present (공공데이터전략 실무위원회 공공데이터 품질, 표준화 분야 전문위원, 행정안전부, 2014.1 – 2020.12)
  • Member of the dispute conciliation committee for Open Government Data, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Korea, December 2013 – December 2015. (공공데이터제공 분쟁조정위원회, 행정안전부, 2013.12 – 2015.12)
  • Advisory committee member of the Hyundai MOBIS Software Technology Forum, 2010 – 2011 (현대모비스 소프트웨어 기술 포럼 (자문위원회) 위원, 2010-2011년)
  • CS459: Introduction to Services Computing [Fall 2016, Fall 2018-2023]
  • CS350: Introduction to Software Engineering [Spring 2022, Fall 2024]
  • CS457: Requirements Engineering for Smart Environments [Spring 2018-2024]
  • CS101: Introduction to Programming [Fall 2011, 2013-2019, 2023; Spring 2020]
  • Cloud Service Architecture, K-MOOC Lecture, 2018 – 2019 (
  • CS457: Web-based Software Development [Spring 2010-2017]
  • CS459: Web Technologies and Business Strategies [Fall 2010-2015]
  • CS408: Computer Science Project [Fall 2009, 2010, 2013, 2017]
  • ITP702: Software Engineering in Korea [Spring 2007-2010, 2017-2020]
  • ICE575: Methods: Deciding What to Design [Fall 2005-2010]
  • ICE534: Web-based Software Development [Summer 2005-2008]
  • ICE338: Programming for WWW [Summer 2004-2008]
  • ICE202: Software Studio [Spring 2007-2009]
  • ICE124, ITB0121: Programming Fundamentals I – Java [Spring 2005-2006 ]
  • ICE341: Programming Languages [Spring 2004-2005]